Java Rx with live financial market data from IB
In one of my recent projects I automated a trading strategy using Iteractive Brokers Java API, the perfect companion framework to handle large amount if live and historical data is RxJava. Reading the doc and examples of RXJava can be intimidating and quite abstract, here is a hands on example of how to use it and what it can do:
- Hook up market data to the marketDataService Observable
- Aggregate tick data to 1-minute bars , using groupBy , flatmap and buffer operators
1. Hook up market data to the marketDataService Observable
public void subscribeRealTimeData(Instrument instrument) {
controller.reqTopMktData(instrument.ibContract, "232", false, new ApiController.ITopMktDataHandler()
public void tickPrice(TickType tickType, double price, int canAutoExecute) {
if (tickType == TickType.ASK)
{"IB tick " + new Date() + " price " + price);
LivePriceEvent priceEvent = new LivePriceEvent(System.currentTimeMillis(), instrument, new BigDecimal(price).setScale(3, RoundingMode.UP));
Now each time a tick arrives from IB , it will be pushed to our Obseravble . Now we can now fold the data as we want using the different opearator of RxJava Observable
2. Aggregate tick data to 1-minute bars
public void aggregateLiveMinuteBar() {
ofType(LivePriceEvent.class). //filter on live ticks
groupBy(LivePriceEvent::getInstrument). // group by instrument i.e AAPL, GOOG
flatMap(grouped -> grouped.buffer(2, 1)). // take each 2 consecutive events
subscribe(listOf2 -> {
LivePriceEvent lastEvent = listOf2.get(0);
int lastMinute = new DateTime(lastEvent.getCreateTimestamp()).minuteOfHour().get();
int currentMinute = new DateTime(listOf2.get(1).getCreateTimestamp()).minuteOfHour().get();
//when minute is crossed , we push the result back in the observable to make it available to other subscribers
if (lastMinute != currentMinute) {
push(new LiveBarEvent(TimeUnit.MINUTES, lastEvent.createTimestamp, lastEvent.getInstrument(), lastEvent.getPrice()));
3. Running the minute bar aggregator against IB demo feed
just follow the instructions from the github
$ git clone [] rx-ib
$ cd rx-ib
$ mvn package
$ foreman start
you should see something like this
daniel@daniel-desktop:~/Projects/dice_bot/blog-post-1$ foreman start
16:22:37 ib.1 | started with pid 29935
16:22:37 app.1 | started with pid 29937
16:22:47 app.1 | Server Version:76
16:22:47 app.1 | TWS Time at connection:20150717 16:22:44 IST
16:22:47 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:47 PM$2 connected
16:22:47 app.1 | INFO: connected
16:22:48 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:48 PM$2 message
16:22:48 app.1 | SEVERE: id -1 errocode = 2119msg Market data farm is connecting:ibdemo
16:22:48 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:48 PM$2 message
16:22:48 app.1 | SEVERE: id -1 errocode = 2104msg Market data farm connection is OK:ibdemo
16:22:48 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:48 PM$1 tickPrice
16:22:48 app.1 | INFO: IB tick Fri Jul 17 16:22:48 IDT 2015 price 122.09
16:22:48 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:48 PM$1 tickPrice
16:22:48 app.1 | INFO: IB tick Fri Jul 17 16:22:48 IDT 2015 price 122.08
16:22:52 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:52 PM$1 tickPrice
16:22:52 app.1 | INFO: IB tick Fri Jul 17 16:22:52 IDT 2015 price 122.09
16:22:58 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:22:58 PM$1 tickPrice
16:22:58 app.1 | INFO: IB tick Fri Jul 17 16:22:58 IDT 2015 price 122.08
16:23:00 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:23:00 PM$1 tickPrice
16:23:00 app.1 | INFO: IB tick Fri Jul 17 16:23:00 IDT 2015 price 122.09
16:23:00 app.1 | Jul 17, 2015 4:23:00 PM lambda$main$0
16:23:00 app.1 | INFO: minute = 22 val=LiveBarEvent(barDuration=MINUTES, createTimestamp=1437139378855, instrument=APPL, price=122.080)